I'm putting The Three Wish Mermaid (http://amzn.to/2w8au5b) into a collection and adding a Christmas short story to round out the paperback.

From "Just in time for Christmas"
But by afternoon, Greer was so exhausted that she climbed into the king-sized bed she shared with her husband. She was exhausted and crampy and only wanted to sleep, despite the pretty clips and fresh braid in her hair. At the moment, she didn’t care what was going on in town, she needed to sleep. She stripped down and slid beneath the lavender scented white cotton sheets.
“You okay?” Duff said, following her into the room. The dark brows over his pale grey eyes creased in concern. “I was going to run out and get a part for the truck but if you need me here, I’ll stay.”
"I'm going to try to nap," she said with a little pout. One her husband was more than willing to kiss from her lips. “I'm sure I'll feel better by the time you all get back.” Her voice was already drifting off as sleep welcomed her with open arms.
She managed to nap, fitfully, for an hour or so but woke up panicked and her back muscles spasming. Could the pain actually be worse? Tears slid down her cheeks and pooled on the pillow as she took a deep breath. “Duff,” she called, seeking her mate.
The water from the shower turned off and Greer sighed with relief. She wasn’t alone. Duff must have come home and taken a shower while she was still sleeping.
Arrows shot down her tormented legs and spine as muscle spasms tore through her body. The anguish she felt was so similar, she immedately flashbacked to the fear and disbelief she’d had when she first turned from human girl to mermaid.
Want more? Keep posted or send me a message for additonal details.
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